Sunday, March 3, 2013

One Year Old!

One year ago, I was sitting with Joshua in the NICU. Now I see him crawling all over the house and happily getting into everything he comes across.  It's amazing how so much change can occur in a year! I made a video montage of Joshua's first year which pretty much sums up everything.  Between that project and my recent project of publishing a book out of this blog, I have been walking down Memory Lane a lot lately. I had forgotten so much about the difficulties we faced early on. It's easier to see Joshua as the mover and shaker chatterbox that he is now rather than the frail little thing he was a year ago.  If you're interested in a little stroll down Memory Lane, grab a Kleenex and check out this video.

We had fun celebrating Joshua's birthday this weekend.  Here are some pictures of the day.

Joshua liked his cake so much, he didn't want to share. "Dad, put the knife down, and step away from the cake!" (Thanks for the caption, Allie).

 Birthdays are fun!

That little car in the background has been an absolute favorite toy of Jermiah's for over 2 years, through every stage. Unfortunately, through time or just wear and tear, the noisy gizmos/gadgets have become mute beyond repair. I figure it's only fair Joshua gets a noisy car of his own to play with over the next few years. Boy, does he love it!

11 months old 

12 Months Old
The video link above has all of his monthly growth pictures together for a quick comparison.  That's about it. Thanks for joining us on this journey!

1 comment:

  1. He is absolutely the most smiley, happy boy I have ever seen. What a Muppet smile!!! Happy birthday, Joshua!
