Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Welcome 2013!

I initially wrote GOOD RIDDANCE 2012 as a title, but then I changed it, figuring I better keep it more positive.  Let's just say we're happy to officially be in a new year.  I hope everyone had a great Christmas.  We had a nice time celebrating with the boys in Mississippi, but it didn't feel like Christmas without extended family and snow.  We had been traveling so much over the past few months (Minnesota in Oct/Nov and Florida in early Dec, and I was in Texas for a couple of days in Dec), so we didn't have the heart to uproot the boys once we finally stated getting into a routine in our new home.  On Christmas day we donned our shorts and went for a long ride/run (I was on my mountain bike and James ran pushing the double jogger) along the beach to a new playground.  That was a new Christmas tradition for us, and we all had so much fun. See pictures below.
Joshua is now 10 months old, and he is growing like a weed...not surprising since his stomach seems to be a bottomless pit. He sure loves to eat!  He has mastered solid foods, and he's down to only a couple of bottles a day (before nap time).  Yesterday he weighed 16 lbs 15.5 oz, which I'll happily round up to 17 lbs.  That's huge.  We were always measuring him on his age adjusted growth scale (based on his due date, not his birth date), and he hovered around the 5th-10th percentile for his adjusted age.  Well, if we look at his adjusted age now, for a 7.5 month old, he'd be at the 26th percentile.  Guess what, folks! He's officially on the 10 month old curve now, and he's in the 7th percentile!  His height is also on the 10 month old curve at around the 10th percentile.  On this pace, he should be "caught up" to normal 12 month olds by his 1st birthday!  Developmentally, it should take 2 years to catch up.   His head circumference is in the 45th percentile for his actual 10 month old age (it has always been big, so not concerning), so he has a big noggin just like his mom and dad.
That's about it to report, since the purpose of this blog is mainly to show some pics and videos.  I realize they may be boring to most people, but our family members who haven't seen the kids for awhile might appreciate them. 
Oh, you may notice Jeremiah has given Joshua and himself nicknames, and they have stuck. Joshua is Bug.  He has always been so cuddly, and one day I said, "You're my little Cuddle Bug!"  Jeremiah then announced, "We call him BUG!"  He also likes to tell that to everyone, including strangers, which generates some interesting looks.  Jeremiah has named himself Big Pickle, after Goliath in the Veggie Tales movie Dave and the Giant Pickle. He loves doing a straight body fall flat on his face like Goliath did after David hit him with the stone.  He tells everyone to call him Pickle.  
  We missed the 8 month old pic since the lamb was packed away by the movers, so here's the 8.5 month picture.

It's getting harder to line up Joshua, the lamb, and the sign! 
Big Pickle jumping off the bed, his latest favorite hobby. No, we're not trying to generate business for James now that he's back into orthopedics. He lands on a huge pile of blankets and pillows.

We came across this Christmas tree scene on the beach one day when we were driving home from church. A professional photographer had it set up for some clients who hadn't shown up yet. She was so nice to let us take a few minutes to take some amateur pics on our own.
I love my boys!

 Christmas is so fun!
This whole "getting presents thing" is pretty cool!  Forget the rest; I'll just play with the first one I opened.
Jeremiah has always had a thing for slides, especially when Dad tries to grab him.
It's fun to get thrown up in the air!
I'm a spider in a web!
I love being LOUD!
This video was taken 4 days ago. Joshua creatively maneuvered himself around the room. That's a rare opportunity since it's hard to roam free with his big brother always ready to jump on him. 
Yesterday he crawled, kind of!

Joshua loves his Johnny Jumper! 

Hanging out with my boys over lunch. 
It's so fun to play make believe with Jeremiah. Let's wake up some bears! I didn't grab the camera until the 3rd time I woke up the bears, and it was still fun for him. Oh to be two...
Last video, and you need the volume up to hear Jeremiah singing the Veggie Tales theme song.
I accidentally uploaded the wrong pic, and for some reason, I can't delete this, so you can see an outtake, too. 

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