Friday, March 23, 2012

The Most Beautful Baby (Well, To Me At Least)

Not too much to report tonight, which is fun to say.  Joshua gained another 25 grams, up to 1515 g or 3 lbs 5.5 oz.  His feedings are up to 9 mL every 3 hours now, and he's tolerating it well.  He is getting more alert and more cuddly looking as he's starting to look a little chubbier.  The doctor said as a rough estimate, they typically like to see preemies gain 150 grams a week, and 450 grams is a pound, so the fact that he gained one pound in three weeks means he's right on track with what they expect.  Not too shabby when he didn't eat for a week and relied on TPN (nutrition through the PICC line).

Today one of the neonatologists (the one who counseled us with bad statistics back at 24 weeks) stopped me in the hall and said he was just talking about Joshua.  He was telling the nurses in the other pod to go look at the Bales baby because he is the cutest baby in the whole NICU.  Even though he hasn't been Joshua's doctor, he goes in to peek at him every now and then just to see how he's doing since he remembers us and knows our story.  He said Joshua is always so alert, playing with his hands, and he thinks Joshua is so adorable.  He was just beaming when he was telling me this.  Of course I was beaming tenfold.  He probably tells every mom her baby is the cutest, but I don't care.  He knows exactly how to win over this mama's heart.  Now that's good bedside manner! 

{Reminds me of another story.  After Jeremiah was born, a woman from church came up to us and oohed and aahed over Jeremiah and said, "He is the most beautiful baby I have ever seen!"  Of course that almost made me burst my buttons with pride.  After spending the next week gloating over my baby being the most beautiful, I saw another woman had a baby in church the following Sunday.  Much to my dismay, I overheard the same lady tell her, "He is the most beautiful baby I have ever seen!"  Ha ha, James and I still laugh at that.  Just when you start to get a little full of yourself, there's always someone or something that comes along to burst your bubble and keep you humble.}

Tonight I had my first official "workout" in months, if you could call it that.  After Jeremiah went to bed, I went on a brisk 1.5 mile walk.  Well, for me in my current condition it was brisk anyway. It was so nice to get out and move.  It was a beautiful evening, and I always love being out in my neighborhood, with the fresh air, smell of pine trees and view of Pikes Peak.  I hate to even admit it, but that mile and a half was enough for me.  Somehow the hills got a lot bigger since I last ran that route.  Now my legs feel like I just finished a half marathon.  I have a long road ahead of me if I plan to get back in shape.  Not Ironman shape since racing/training isn't a priority for me now, but 10K shape would be nice.  It's going to take baby steps.  I don't have any weight to lose, but I have a lot of fitness and muscle to gain.  Jeremiah is in a phase (I hope it's just a phase) where he refuses to get into the jog stroller, so that will make things a little more difficult.  This time around, I may have to figure out a way to get creative since the jog stroller was my secret weapon to bouncing back after Jeremiah was born.  For now working out is definitely not even near the top of my priority list, but it would do me good to have the same level of energy I had when I was in shape. 

That's enough rambling for tonight.  Until next time....

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