I showed up at the hospital today, and the nurse was holding Joshua outside his room, at the nurses station (the cords and oxygen tubing are really long). That's a good sign because a month ago, they never would have taken him out of the isolette and exposed him to the noise, lights and movement. He's like a normal baby now! The funny thing is, as I walked up, the doctor and nurse were laughing really hard. The doctor said, "What are you teaching your son?!" Evidently, he was nonstop entertainment with his noises and smells since he was full of gas. They said it was so funny because his timing was so perfect. There would be a pause in the talking, and then Joshua would let one loose, as if trying to contribute to the conversation. Then he would just let out a sneaky squeaking one, mixing it up a little. Yep, my son has skills! James has been working with him on that one...so proud. :)
Joshua looked great today. His eye exam was normal, so no signs of retinopathy of prematurity. One preemie concern to cross off the list, yay! We just have to follow up with another exam in 5-6 months in the peds ophthalmology clinic.
He gained a little tonight...10 grams, up to 1990 g or 4 lbs 6.2 oz. Not as huge of a gain as we had hoped, but I'll take a gain over a loss any day. Today the plan was to add MCT oil (medium chain triglycerides, pure fat) tomorrow if he didn't gain weight tonight. We'll see tomorrow if 10 g is considered enough, or if they'll add it. The nurses call it liquid french fries. If I had a choice, I'd take the liquid chocolate chip cookies instead.
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