Monday, April 30, 2012

Warrior Games Opening Ceremonies and More

Today was a big day in Colorado Springs.  Michelle Obama was here for the opening ceremonies of the Warrior Games, of which James is the head coach for the Air Force.  I was at the event last year, and I thought it was pretty cool, but I had to make a decision this year.  I could either attend the opening ceremonies at the Olympic Training Center or stay next door in the NICU with Joshua so I could feed him.  Well, I was a little torn, but the self sacrificing mom side of me won out.  Feedings are just too important right now as we are getting closer to going home.  He ended up having a full feed without the NG tube, so I was glad I made the decision to miss the opening ceremonies. 

Today Joshua reached 39 weeks gestation, one week away from his due date. Looking back, we have come so far.  This whole feeding thing is difficult, though.  Just as everyone warned us, you think you're about to go home for weeks, and it just drags on and on.  He has a couple of great feeds, and then he gets all tuckered out and sleeps through the next couple of feeds. 

He is slower to catch on to eating than other preemies at 39 weeks.  The reason seems to be due to his heart and lungs.  He had another echocardiogram today, and the holes in his heart haven't closed yet.  It's not worrisome at this point since a lot of newborns take some time to close up the openings that were normal in fetal circulation.  It just needs to be followed along with echos down the road.  The significance of it is the blood back flows into the lungs, and his little lungs can't handle the extra load, so he breathes really quickly and gets tired easily.  That's why he's on a diuretic, to help lighten that load in the lungs.  They doubled his dose last week, and it seems to be helping a little. 

And finally, who can resist a good poop story?  I laughed so hard today.  I changed Joshua's diaper, and I was pretty proud of myself for my catlike reflexes, quickly containing his urine fountain with his diaper.  No biggie.  He finished, and I completed the diaper change. I then stepped aside, so his nurse could measure his abdomen. He opened Joshua's diaper to line up the tape measure.  As the diaper was wide open, Joshua sprayed a urine fountain and splattered a big, explosive poop all over the place, right on the nurse.  My son is so sweet to wait for me to step away.  Personally, I think he was a little passive aggressive, and he was getting the nurse back for messing with his NG tube and dressing this morning (he didn't like that too much).  Needless to say, Joshua bought himself another bath, and he loved it.

Tonight he weighed in at 5 lbs 4.7 oz, closing in on his cousin Bennett's birth weight of 5 lbs 5 oz (and Bennett is humongous now, almost 5 months later).  Overnight, Joshua gained 40 grams, over an ounce. 

Grandpa Bob and Karen stopped by to see Joshua before the Warrior Game opening ceremonies.  Joshua loves hanging out in his (actually the NICU's) Mamaroo, kind of like a swing.

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