Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Reflections On Valentine's Day

Ok, first of all, I'm not a big Valentine's Day fan.  Being single for the first 33 years of my life, I thought of it as a time of year just to serve as a slap in the face to those of us who didn't have that Hallmark love affair to brag about to our co-workers.  Even after finding true love, I think it's just a commercialized day where jewelry stores, flower shops, and restaurants join together to guilt everyone into spending money.  And I don't even really like chocolates!  Ok, time to hand over my woman card.  While I'm at it, I hate shopping, too.  GASP!

Don't get me wrong.  I'm a big fan of love, and I thank the Lord every day for bringing me the love of my life (this is where my sister Heidi gagged).  Buy why do we have to make it such a huge deal on one day of the year?  I like James' approach best.  In his own way, he shows me how much he loves me every day of the year, which I'll gladly take over one day of love-on-steroids. Yes, I realize I'm being over-the-top cheesy now. 

Seven years ago, when we celebrated our first Valentine's Day together, I got the usual pre-V Day jitters because I knew I was in love with James, but I didn't know how much of that to reveal to him.  I can't even remember what I ended up getting for him (neither can he, so it must not have been too good).  Well, he pulled out all the stops from the love playbook and made it a date that every girl would dream about.  If you know James well, brace yourself because here's a shocker.  He got me a dozen roses, a red teddy bear with a heart that said "I love you," a box of chocolates (he didn't know my feeling about chocolates at that point, but it was the thought that counts); he wrote a sweet, sappy love poem, and he took me to New York City for a fun weekend culminating with a night seeing Phantom of the Opera on Broadway.  All together now: Awwwwww.......it really was a perfect weekend that I will always remember.  You might as well hang up the towel at that point, buddy, because there is no possible way to improve on such a standard after setting the bar so high.  We both agreed that he went so all-out that first Valentine's Day that he was off the hook for the remainder of our years together.  Since then, exchanging cards with nice notes inside takes the pressure off both of us.

This year, I'm feeling all schmoopy-whoopy inside, full of love for my husband, more than I ever have before.  You see, the woman he married 4.5 years ago was a strong, independent, active triathlete, always up for any adventure he could dream up for us (such as SCUBA diving in the Great Barrier Reef or summiting Mt. Kilimanjaro-pictured above).  Right now, especially since going on bedrest, I am SO not that same person he married. My priorities have shifted as I have embraced motherhood, just as James has changed with fatherhood.  In the past 10 months, we have gone through 6 months of fatigue-filled first trimesters (we had a devastating miscarriage at 12+ weeks last June), and now bedrest.  But his love for me hasn't wavered one bit.  In fact, he has gotten even better at expressing that love to me, and it's now full of foot rubs, compassionate requests of "what can I get/do for you," and tender encouragement.  I have never seen him like this before.  This is Coach James we're talking about..."Let's talk strategy," "Tough it out," "Go hard," James-Rough-and-Tough-Bales.  I love that motivating side of him.  I also love how he has developed his softer side over the course of this ordeal, knowing when that's exactly what I need.  I think we've both gotten a little less "hard core" about adventures in life and get the same thrill, in a different way, from parenting.  We've evolved together through this parenting adventure.  It won't be long before "The Old Kar" will be back, and we'll be back climbing mountains and biking, but with the kids by our side (or strapped on our chest and back) or in the bike trailer, slowing things down a bit.  Until then, it's so nice to see how our love for each other can adapt to fit our current life situation as needed.  I know God's perfect plan has nothing to do with luck, but I have to say it...I'M ONE LUCKY GAL!

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