Thursday, April 26, 2012

Brotherly Bonding (Cha, Right!)

Joshua had fun today with some special visitors.  Ok, he slept through it, so maybe it was more fun for me. Grandma and Grandpa Gus brought Jeremiah to the hospital to see Joshua. Considering any time I leave the house (even if it's just a trip down the driveway to the mailbox), Jeremiah says, "Mom go hospo, see Baby Joshua," we thought he was due for another visit. My mom packed a picnic, and Jeremiah was most excited about "eat lunch at hospo!" which he said repeatedly during the drive in. I met them in the Ronald McDonald room, a lounge with a playroom right outside the NICU. We had a nice lunch together and decided to head back into Joshua's room so Jeremiah could "SEE BABY JOSHUA!" And this is where the train derailed...While awaiting a couple of bathroom breaks, I (stupidly) pointed out a really cool dump truck to Jeremiah, and we got down on the floor and started playing. Sure, great way to pass a couple of minutes, so I thought. Little did I know I inadvertently sabotaged my plans for a cute brotherly bonding moment and perfect picture to commemorate the event. I could not tear Jeremiah away from that truck. Finally, he agreed to leave the truck to see Joshua, only after I promised he could come back and play with it when we were done. Needless to say, for the next 10 minutes, the duration of his visit (which was 9 minutes too long), Jeremiah thought of nothing else besides that dump truck; he couldn't get out of Joshua's room soon enough. He didn't give a hoot about Joshua, but he sure got mad when he saw Grandma Gus holding someone other than himself! this a prelude of what's to come?

To his credit, Jeremiah did try to pose for a picture for one millisecond. If you look closely, that's about as open as Joshua's eyes got during their visit.

Grandpa Gus and Joshua Gus, just hanging out.

Me and my Littler Guy (Jeremiah still holds the title of Little Guy).
Tonight Joshua weighed the same as last night, 5 lbs. That's good news, since he had three big poops that probably weighed a fair amount. Just so you can see I'm not the only one obsessed with his bowel movements, check out what I found on our communication board this morning (at the bottom), written by last night's nurse.


  1. In defense of Jeremiah, it really was a cool truck and he is completely out of character in that first picture. He really is a charming little boy and I think that he will be a really great, big brother when Joshua comes home.

  2. Thanks, Mom. I agree. He sure is a sweetheart. If I were a two year old boy, I'd rather play with a super cool dump truck than watch a little baby sleep, too! It won't be long before they're wrestling together and having fun! :)

  3. 1. I think that the great picture you got of the 3 of you made it worth suffering through the meltdowns.

    2. You have adorable little boys.

    3. You look great!

    4. Annika was driving to the hospital last weekend with some friends, and she told them, "Playing in the play area at the hospital is more fun than going to see Baby Melia." I guess those babies just aren't all that interesting to the little people :)

