Sunday, April 1, 2012

One Month Old Today!

Happy Birthday, Joshua!  It's hard to believe it has been a month since he was born!  Sometimes it feels like a year, to be honest, but I guess looking back, it has gone by quickly.

Right now, he's sleeping so peacefully next to me.  That Lasix works wonders.  His respiratory rate was 25-30 today rather than 60-80 as before.  After 3 hours of kangaroo care, Joshua was game for an amateur photo shoot with me, even tolerating a wardrobe change!  We had fun (well, I did at least). 

Tell me how you really feel, Joshua.

Joshua hitting the high note while singing Handel's Messiah

Tickle, tickle!

Well, it's April 1st.  Did Joshua make it to 4 lbs??????  Drum roll please..........The answer is.....No. Whuh-whaaaaaa (trombone sound).  That pesky Lasix is working too well peeing off his weight.  He's at 1770 g, still 3 lbs 14 oz.

I inadvertantly had a semi-supermom moment today.  We had some fancy cupcakes that were given to us with a meal a couple of nights ago. I ate one (with a little help from Jeremiah who loves to sing his version of "Happy Birthday" every time he sees something resembling cake...muffins, cupcake, etc).  James, who doesn't like sweets (I know, crazy!), didn't want any. I took the two extra cupcakes to the two nurses in Joshua's pod today, thinking they might appreciate it.  At the very last minute, I spontaneously put two and two together and announced they were cakes to celebrate Joshua's birthday.  To truly be impressed with that, you have to realize something.  Even on a good day (i.e. before my brain turned to postpartum mush), thinking of doing creative/crafty/thoughtful things wouldn't come naturally for me like it does for my sisters.  So here I am, patting myself on the back for having a Heidi/Greta moment.  Before I know it, I'll be baking (or likely buying) birthday cupcakes for Joshua's classmates in school.  :)

Yesterday was a rough day for me emotionally, just feeling overwhelmed with everything going on and unorganized in our household.  James, my emotionally stable/logical half, sat down with me and worked out a strategy, a schedule to help me see things clearly, prioritizing things, basically clearing things up for me to view life as more managable.  He also gave me a plan for doing what used to make me so happy and stressfree, being outdoors and working out.  Having a coach/personal trainer for a husband does have its privileges.  I had been trying to convince myself that my time should be devoted 100% to Jeremiah and Joshua in this phase of life, and I'll get back in shape later.  But we realize for my mental well being, I really need that outlet, so that I can be a good mom and wife and functioning human being.  So we were up and at 'em (eventually) this morning, James heading out for a run while Jeremiah and I went on a walk. 

Speaking of that, I'm glad our church has three services.  We were planning on going to the 8:30 service, but someone (ok, it was me--am I the same woman who used to get up at 4:15 AM before work to get in a swim workout?) had a hard time getting out the door for our morning walk, so we decided to go to the 2nd service.  Jeremiah and I were ready to go to the 10:00 service, but someone (ok, James) thought it was 10:30 and didn't get back from his long run until after 10.  So we went to the 11:30 service.  As frazzled as we may seem, in that three hour block I was more productive around the house than I have been in three weeks, so it all worked out.

Today, James and I had our first comic relief that I can remember in the past 3 months.  Unfortunately it was in the middle of church, which made it all the more hilarious to us.  It brought back childhood memories of giggling in church with my sisters, and my mom would give a stern look and squeeze the back of my neck to make me stop, but that would make me laugh even more uncontrollably.  The "forbidden laughter" is the funniest.  The source of the humor today was a big sticker from the nursery that said, "Potty Training In Progress."  Somehow it ended up on my back and then on James' back in a spot where he couldn't reach it, which gathered a little attention from the people behind us.  That was the extent of our April Fool's pranking today.  It was fun to just have a giggling moment together again.

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