Thursday, April 19, 2012


I had some dental work done today, so I'm feeling a little sore and not up to writing too much.  My little filling that fell out months ago came back to haunt me.  I was supposed to get it fixed in January, but I canceled the appt since I was on bedrest.  Now the tooth is pretty decayed, to the point that I may need a root canal.  Yikes!  For now there is a "hat" on it, and hopefully that will be sufficient.  My tooth has been the least of my worries over the past few months, but as I was laying there getting drilled on, I was kicking myself for letting it get so out of control.  At least all of my thinking was in a drug induced haze, thanks to the nitrous oxide.  That's good stuff!

Tonight Joshua lost 10 grams, so he's at 2040 grams, which is still 4 lbs 8 oz (or 7.96 oz to be exact). He did great for our two breastfeeding sessions.  So great, in fact, that he didn't need to have any extra supplementation through the NG tube.  After each one, 16 minutes and 18 minutes of drinking, respectively, he was pretty content and fell asleep and slept until the next feeding.  The doctor changed her plan a little to increase my feeds to three a day.  Since he's most alert in the mornings, it'll be best for us to have me there at the 0500, 0800, and 1100 feeds.  That means I better start getting to bed earlier if I want to function well during the day. 

Speaking of that, nighty night!


  1. Yikes-5am!! That's dedication, mamma!

    Amanda Robertson

  2. That's 5 AM plus the 35-40 min drive to the hospital, right? You probably need to leave for the hospital right after your middle of the night pumping session!!! :(
